Thursday, November 5, 2020

TKAM Point of View

Point of view is the voice or vantage point the author uses to tell a story. Harper Lee chose first person point of view to tell her story. She presents the story through the eyes of a major character, Scout Finch. Scout's viewpoint shifts between that of an adult and a child as she unrolls the story of past events.

Take Atticus' advice and step into another person's shoes by imagining how each character listed would react to the situations below. You may write the reaction using first person or third person point of view. Choose one of the options below and write from the two perspectives. 

Be sure to be creative and use the narrative techniques you have learned to fully embody the characters that you will be writing from. This blog needs to be a minimum of two - three paragraphs. You may write from both of the characters mentioned in parenthesis or just one of them.

1- Jem and Scout stare at Dill when they first see him until Dill finally speaks. (Write from Jem and/or Dill's perspective.)

2- Jem runs into the Radley's yard and touches the house on a dare. (Write from Jem and/or Nathan Radley's perspective.)

3- On the first day of first grade, Scout demonstrates that she can read. (Write from Atticus and/or Miss Caroline's perspective.)

4- Calpurnia punishes Scout for misbehaving at lunch while the family has a guest. (Write from Atticus and/or Calpurnia's perspective.)

5- Dill tells exciting stories about his train trip from Meridian, Mississippi, to Maycomb. (Write from Jem and/or Dill's perspective.)

6- Atticus catches the children playing the Boo Radley game. (Write from Boo Radley and/or Atticus' perspective.)

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